Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Making up for lost time...OR planning ahead.

Saint Lucy and Saint Hubertus

Welcome Saint Lucy and Saint Hubertus

I haven't had a summer like this in quite a few years.  Way too busy for this old bird.  I don't like to have too many things scheduled and be able to go with the flow.  But between my 5 weeks in California and our upcoming trip to Africa, I've had to use my time productively to get a few things done.
But thanx to Kristin and Retro Cafe Art I've had a some stash to work with. Steampunk has been very popular at Honey Poo Poo's so I've had a direction to go.   I've been a creatin' fool.  Here is a pix of my latest.  More details to follow on individual projects.

The back view highlights her wings,
halo and more bulbs.
Saint Lucy, patron saint of the blind and electricians stands 11.5 inches tall and is sturdily adorned in SteamPunk finery including lightbulbs, gears, watch parts and even an antique ceramic and metal coil that probably has a history in some heat producing appliance.  Another of those 'finds' from dad's workshop.

Saint Hubertus is a silver metallic
all over with lots of other
metallic accents
Saint Hubertus, patron saint of opticians, hunters and metal workers is slightly smaller standing at 9.5 inches tall. Her Steampunk embellishments include gears, goggles and a huge optical magnifier.  She too is sporting an antique brass column in her mid section.  It is actually part of a series of old screwdrivers that nest like the Russian Dolls.

I love adding all kinds of details to support the 'Saint' I have chosen and of course using up all the things from my stash.  The greatest compliment was paid to my work recently when my friend Diane exclaimed,"Everytime I look at these pieces, I see something new and different."
Perhaps someone can identify
what this center piece once was.
Saint Hubertus even has a secret
compartment on her back.


  1. Great work Linda! Glad to see you are keeping busy and now have the time to do what you want, whereas before you didn't

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Apparently I tried to comment above! I'm not sure what happened but I'm back to say how much I ADORE these creations!!! xoxo
